This page last changed on Jan 12, 2009.

Oracle Data Service Integrator Documentation > Data Services Developer's Guide

How to Publish, Configure, and Remove Dataspace Projects

Dataspace projects are created in the Workshop for WebLogic Eclipse plugin framework. A project that builds successfully is ready to be made available from a local supported version of Oracle WebLogic server.

Several terms can be used to describe the process of managing a server's dataspace projects.

  • Publish. All projects associated with a server can be deployed at once.
  • Available. These are projects that have been published and are available to be configured on the server. A project must both present on the server and configured before it can be access by client applications. A project with an Available status can be thought of as staged.
  • Configured. A configured project is available to authorized calling applications. A project with Configured status on the server can be thought of as released.
    Use the Add and Remove Projects dialog to move projects between Available and Configured state.


Publishing Server Projects

You can publish all the dataspace projects associated with a workspace.

Right-click on the name of your server in the Servers window and choose Publish.

Publishing Server Projects

The state in the Servers window will be changed to Republish.  

Publishing or republishing a set of projects does not affect the configuration status of each project on the server. You can modify the configuration status through the Add and Remove Projects... dialog.

Configuring Server Projects 

Projects on a server are considered either configured on the server or available to be configured on the server. Configuration status is managed either through the Add and Remove Projects... dialog or directly from the Servers window.

Only configured projects are available to client applications.

Managing Configured Projects Through Dialog 

To access the dialog:

  1. Right-click on the name of the server in the Servers window.
  2. Select Add and Remove Projects...
Add and Remove Projects Dialog

Managing Configured Projects Through the Servers Window 

You can also change a project's configuration status through the Servers window.

Server and Projects

  1. Click on the + symbol next to the server name.
  2. Right-click on the project you wish to unconfigure.
  3. Select Remove.
    Alternatively, just select your project and click the Delete key.
    You can use the Add and Remove Projects Dialog to change the configuration status of your project..

Removing Dataspace Projects from a Server

You can permanently remove a project from the server through the right-click menu Delete option in the Project Explorer.  

Deleting a Dataspace Project

Document generated by Confluence on Jan 13, 2009 15:57